A Complete Nepali Date Converter-Bikram Sambat date conversion

Nepali date converter

Now Nepali to English ( Bikram Sambat ) Date converter can convert 130 years of dates i.e from B.S(1970-2100) and from A.D(1913-2043). I hope I’m able to meet you need. As well as I have tested this Bikram Sambat Nepali date converter script several time and previous errors & bugs are also fixed, So I’m very much sure for the result to be 100% accurate. However if encase you find any error then please inform about that error. Any type of comments are welcome.

If you want unincrepted script of this date conversion than contact me.

As well you can put this on your web page too.

Any type of comments are welcome.



सयौ थुङ्गा फूलका हामी एउटै माला नेपाली, Welcome to my webpage. I'm from the Himalayan Country of Nepal. Well talking about me, I like mostly Web programming and Designing and furthermore I like Philosophical literature, Photography, Social networking. And I am Romantic and Sentimental person to some extent. Read more...

View Comments

  • Hi Ashesh,
    Great tool, can you provide me some logic on the conversion ? I need to run it local network

  • Hello Ashesh,

    can u help me for developing the date converter From english date to napali date and vicevarsa.

    Kindly help me and provice some backend logic for converter.

    I am waiting for your replay.

    My mail ID : guptaprashant1982@gmail.com

  • Hello Ashesh,

    can u help me for developing the date converter From english date to napali date and vicevarsa.

    Kindly help me and provice some backend logic for converter.

    I am waiting for your replay.


  • Hi bro. Thanks for the work. I would be obliged if you can provide me the source code as you've promised above.

  • Hi Ashesh,
    I am trying to convert the nepali date to english and viceversa. Can u help me providing some backend logic to convert.
    I will be very thankful for that.