
Welcome to Ashesh’s Blog! Working For Better Nepal…

Namaste and a warm welcome to my webpage. I am Ashesh, hailing from the breathtaking Himalayan country of Nepal, also known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. This website is dedicated to all things Nepal, offering a wealth of information on Nepali culture, including the Nepali CalendarNepali Unicode, Nepali Panchang, Nepali Date Converter, Current Nepali Time, Nepali Exchange Rate, Gold & Silver Price in Nepal, Weather Nepal, Preeti Font to Unicode Converter, Nepali Unicode to Preeti Font Converter and much more Nepali Widgets.

Let me tell you a little about myself. My passions lie in programming, blogging, and designing. Additionally, I have a keen interest in philosophical literature, photography, and social networking. I consider myself a romantic and sentimental person, embracing emotions and creativity.

My journey into programming began nearly eight years ago during my school days. I vividly remember how perplexing it was when the equation “i = i + 1” made no sense to me. For two years, I struggled with programming just to get through my classes. However, during my final year, I was tasked with a project that I had to complete on my own. Programming seemed overwhelmingly confusing, and at one point, I even contemplated giving up. But something within me sparked a determination to figure it out. I started frequenting the library, dedicated countless hours to studying, and almost ran out of time. Despite the challenges, I succeeded. Looking back, that pivotal moment shaped my mindset forever. I no longer asked myself, “Is it possible?” or “Can I do it?” Instead, I began asking, “How can I do it?” This shift in perspective instilled in me the confidence that hard work yields results.

Web development has always captivated my interest. I spent hours exploring the vast realms of the internet, immersing myself in web designing, web programming, web and tech widgets, and web development sites. The world of the web ignited a dream within me to become a skilled web developer.

I am currently a registered member of IMIS (Institute for the Management of Information System) and BCS (British Computer Society), further expanding my knowledge and skills in the field.

I firmly believe that nothing is impossible in life if you possess strong determination and a focused mindset (THE STRONG FOCUS ON WHAT I WANT). The key lies in knowing exactly what you want to achieve and relentlessly pursuing it.

Through this humble platform, Ashesh’s Blog, I hope to share my interests and knowledge with you. Feel free to explore the various sections and articles. If you enjoy my website, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. I greatly appreciate your feedback.

To stay updated with the latest content, follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for visiting my website. Please come back soon to see the latest updates! Swagatam, Shuswagatam, Lasakusa!!!

Once again, thank you for dropping by, and be sure to subscribe to my blog feed for regular updates.

Thank you!

Interested in a guest post on this blog – Send it here.

Also we have App called Smart Patro – Nepali Calendar for iOS Device/iPhone

Smart Patro – Nepali Calendar with festivals, Widget on Home Screen and Lock Screen. Enjoy faster app opening and with many features on the Smart Patro.

Support my blog’s by PayPal donation today. Your generosity fuels my passion for creating valuable content that makes me inspires, entertains and make a difference.

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  • Oops, I just posted a comment but I used another email which is linked to one of my friend's web at Wordpress. On this post I am using my prefered email, so if you have a response to my request on my first comment, please use the email on this comment. Thanks again.


  • Hello Ashesh! Namaste...
    I googled for a Nepali calendar converter and I clicked on your website. I copied the script you have given onto my Wordpress widget but it would not work. I do hope you could re-check your script and I look forward to receiving your assistance on this. Thank you so much.


  • Hi,
    Ashesh u have really done a great job. It is really a good initiative u have taken keep updating good work. Your website looks really good.
    Basically im from India, im Nepali.

    Thanks & regard
    khemnath chauhan.

  • humm..
    TODAY i think i definetly found my idol
    everything you said is God honest true and u're xtremely talented
    wish U LUCK for whatever u do, be the BEST and i hope one day i could be as good as you are
    thumps UPPP!!!!!

  • i am impressed by ur website , can you volunteer to build a website for my organisation,its a non profit organisation