App review: Kantipur App – a complete KMG media connection
|Kantipur Media Group (KMG) has now developed its own app, for the smartphones, the Kantipur app, which is available for Android and iOS (iPhone & iPad) but not on Windows Phone yet. The app can be downloaded from the stores of respective operating systems. Using the app for more than a week, here we have come up with the detailed review of the application for Android smartphones, which we’d downloaded from the Google Play Store.

To download the App from the play store, one has to simply open the store and search ‘Kantipur App’or ‘KMG’ , or there is an even more simple way, which is the users have just to scan the QR Code, which is published usually in the Kantipur Newspaper, and it will simply redirect you to the download link.
As soon as we open the app, we can find seven categories arranged vertically, the settings logo on the top right hand corner, and the KMG logo on the top left hand corner, which will redirect you to the categories of the Kantipur app which you’ve recently used. Among the vertical seven categories, the top six are the several KMG services, while the one at the bottom is the sugestion link, through which you can suggest your any opinion, towards the KMG. The six branches of the app can be detailed as:
You can find this on the topmost priority, which is to say, it is the first thing you put your eye into, as soon as you open the app. When you enter into this, you can find the way to read every Kantipur’s paper published magazines, the Kantipur dailly, the Kathmandu post, Saptahik, Nepal, Nari, M&S and the Kanpipur daily International. Among these, the Kantipur daily (both versions) and the Kathmandu post are daily magazines, Saptahik is weekly, while rest are monthly magazines.
Radio Kantipur
You can listen the live broadcast of the Kantipur, when you open this. All you need to do is to click on the play tab given. You’ll also have the option to record the FM, and when you do this, the recorded file will be saved in your phone’s memory or SD card. You can also view a complete list of the current day’s programmes, and their respective broadcasting times.
Kantipur Television
This is almost the same as the Kantipur radio category, except here you can watch the TV broadcast live and you’ll not have the option to record it. You can watch the running programme live, while you can see the complete list of current day’s programmes, just as that of above. The service of this category is pathetic though, it took a lot of time to buffer and even frequently showed ”video can’t be played” on our android device. The iOS users reported a similar problem, which we hope to be fixed by the developers soon.
eKantipur Nepali
Here, you can view the news articles posted in, and hence you won’t have the need to visit the website separately. This is only for those who understand Nepali though, and also only for those whose smartphone supports Devnagari (Nepali) fonts. Otherwise, it’ll be of no use to you.
eKantipur English
Here, you’ll be able to view the news articles posted in, almost same as that of Nepali, but the language will be in English.
You can view the images clicked by Kantipur photographers here, in other words, it is a picture gallery. There will be several categories of the images, which can be daily or weekly photos and their contest, places, accident, festivals, nature, and many others, and you can select according to your need or will. You’ll see the random photos first and once you select one or more category, you’ll only view the images related.
This is for the users to drop their valuable suggestions and feedback for the KMG. You’ll require to fill up your name, email, phone number, address, subject and your message. This is a good option, if you percieve some bug or a problem in your Kantipur app, since it will be easy for the developers to fix them.
In overall, KMG has done a very good job by developing the app, since its users can be expanded and the users can also get access to their favourite media group from every corner of the world. Now, the users won’t have to buy the expensive paper publications to read its products, and it would even be a step forward towards environment conservation, since a lot of paper is saved daily. Well done Kantipur!
I have downloaded this application a month before.. it’s good but it uses data even when we do not use it.. my ntc balance get deducted of 200 nrs per 2-3 days.. how this happens