Dashain and Tihar
|As it is well-known fact we Nepalese have more gods and goddesses than human beings and more festival than those actually fits in a yearly calendar of 365 days but what makes the festive month of Dashain and Tihar quiet special and is regarded as the greatest festival of a hindu culture is once in every year we all Nepalese from different caste and creed free ourself from our day-to-day routine and all the tensions that comes along with it and set ourself to a month of full enjoyment with our precious family members and the ones that really makes our lives precious and makes ourself feel important in this world.
The festival itself lasts for about 15 days starting from the first day of dashain with ghatasthapana following with nawaratri including fulpathi , mahaasthami, mahanawami and concluding with 10th day of mahadashami which is also known as the day of tika, where elders and youngsters shares blessings with each other and wish for the prosperity and well being.it’s specially fun for the kids as i remember when i was one getting all those money from the elders as dakshina and the sharing of blessings as tika lasts for 4 more days so that people from far away places can come and make a visit even though only once in a year it makes those visits special and as a lovely remembrance. In all these 15 days people makes sure they won’t miss out any fun part of two weeks of festive eve. From meeting old friends and playing cards to drinking and all. And after a quick week break there comes tihar which is a part of dashain more like a second half of it. It is more popularly seen as the festive week of bright and sparkling nights with worshipping of goddess laxmi and concluding with bhai tika which is the resemblance of love between brothers and sisters. Here the more fun part is playing deusi and bhailo and burning firecrackers and wherever you go you find one’s home bright in lights in their own way.

What makes this festive month special and different is that we can see that undoubtly happy reaction and smiles on the face of the people when the month is approaching and it helps us all free ourself from the hassle of life and take a break from whatever it is that we’re upto and indulge ourself into a month of enjoyious pleasure and happy times and look forward to the next one.
At last i wish all my viewers and subscribers along with my well wishers and all my friends and family a very happy dashain and tihar and hope you all will enjoy at it’s best avoiding all the negative sides. Thank you.
Also see More Detail About Dashain Festivals
Images from: aananda K. Maharjan (nepalifonts.blogspot.com)
its good
Happy Dashain to all nepali people
Best wishes on the occasion of Dasain and Tihar 2071