Nepali Date Converter

The Nepali Date Converter converts Bikram Sambat (B.S.) Nepali dates to English (Gregorian) dates and vice versa. This date converter between Bikram Sambat (B.S.) and the Gregorian calendar (A.D.) is now available in version 5.8. The current Nepali Date Converter can convert dates from 1658 B.S. to 2100 B.S. and from 1602 A.D. to 2044 A.D. For over 12 years, the Nepali Date Converter has been refined with multiple fixes and updates to ensure accurate and error-free results. It accounts for Adhik Maas or Purushottam Maas and Daylight Saving Time (DST) where applicable, providing precise date conversions. This tool is invaluable for converting Nepali dates of birth to English dates and vice versa, historical Nepali dates, filling out online application forms, and more.
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Get widget for nepali date converter

Display nepali date converter on you website. Place this date converter widget on sidebar or any appropriate place. Choose(tick) responsive, it will auto adjust responsive width on you website. If you want to use fixed width, then input required value of width below. Now it support HTTPS too.

Choose responsive or input width
Height: Fixed
Min width: 165px
Height: 190px fixed
Copy following code and paste inside your website code.

Note: Don't remove copyright link to nepali date converter website. We appreciate your feedback and enquiries please contact here. Thank you.

Live preview for nepali date converter widget

Widget for date converter will be displayed as shown below on your website. To display this mini nepali date converter on you website - generate code from left. This widget can adept responsive website and support https.

Nepali date converter - Classic old

If you want to display "Nepali date converte - Classic old" on your web page. Then just copy the given code exactly and paste in your web page where you want to display Classic Nepali Date Converter. Here I named it "Classic old" as it is the legacy theme style used almost from 12 years. This classic old and above use same date conversion engine.

Header and background color are changable
h_color=21ADE2 (header color)
b_color=CFE4B1 (body color)
Note: Don't remove copyright link to nepali date converter website. This is the only support to developer for using "Nepali date converter".

For Nepali Calendar
Display nepali calendar on your website

Live preview of date converter - Classic old

Nepali date converter classic will look as shown below on your website. Width, height, header color and background color are changable.

Powered by © Nepali Date Converter

This classic old date converter widget is responsive, which will auto adjust on your website. If you want to make fixed width, then just replace % to px, example (width:100% to width:250px) To use this classic old nepali date converter, copy code from left.

Nepali date converter widget feautres:
Light weight, Convert nepali dates from 1658B.S - 2100B.S and from English Date 1602A.D - 2044A.D. Header and body background color are changable, Changable width and height.