Now Facebook allows hashtagging
Facebook has finally decided to enable hash tags for users. Using hastags would mean that your hashtagged comments, statuses or pictures will now be open to everyone who wishes to search and view that tag. However, users can limit who can view their hashtagged posts.
Facebook hash tags are also useful for marketers who can see real time interaction or engagement of people on a common topic such as festivals or opinions of products and brands. Advertisers have already been using #tags to extend their reach of target costumers. In time, Facebook might monetize hash tag advertising.
Hash tags or #tags, popularized by many social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram, allows you to create clickable link to a topic by simply adding a #in front of a word and when the tags are clicked, you will be redirected to a collection of comments, posts and pictures on that topic from other hash taggers. This helps people to create a common #topic and then share their thoughts and ideas on it in real time. For example- #newyearseve in Instagram will show you pictures of people on New Year’s Eve from all over the world. Hash tags are already used in Google+, LInkedin, Pinterest, Sina Weibo, Tumblr, Vines and many other social media sites.