if (isset($var)) { echo “the var is set, and equals $var. It may be empty though.”; } http://www.php.net/isset isset() will tell you is a varaible has been defined.
Put the following code at the top of your page. <? $URL="http://www.yourdomain.com"; header ("Location: $URL"); ?><? $URL="http://www.yourdomain.com"; header ("Location: $URL"); ?>
WordPress blogs are getting more popular then ever, there are literally hundreds of new weblogs popping up everyday. However WordPress is not a new software, so I think
With each new version PHP is getting more and more object oriented. In version 5.x we get two useful classes for date and time handling. Many programmers are
Here, how you can display total number of online user in your webpage you want. Just include file name, which I have given file name as online-user.php here.
This article explains about sending a simple mail using PHP mail function. Creating a Email Form using HTML 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <form method="post" action="">
How to encrypt the passwords and other important information in your site say cookies,password, etc…well it is very simple md5 them so that nobody will be able to
Dagfinn has a post looking at using the new closure feature of PHP 5.3. He compares using foreach for iteration versus array_map. “Interesting,” he concludes, “but not necessarily
It’s an easy to get the IP address for a domain name using PHP’s gethostbyname() and gethostbynamel() functions. Here in this post looks at some examples of using
This is a simple PHP tutorials and script for getting remote visitors with their IP Address. With this tracking your visitor is very easy and simple with PHP.